Importing content with RSS feeds

Learn how to connect your RSS feeds to automatically import content on a regular basis.

Metrics for News and Source Matters can import content from RSS feeds you provide - visit the Manage RSS Feeds page. This feed importing approach is optional but is an easy way to connect to your content if it's available and includes the content you want to track.
Note: If RSS feeds are not available for content you want to track, please review the other options available in the Custom Imports feature.
Feed Limits or Parameters
Every day, Metrics for News and Source Matters check each RSS feed in your account for new stories to import. This process considers stories published in the past three (3) days only and will not import stories included in the feed that were published later. These limits should be considered when saving an RSS feed to your account.
Usually, feeds are set up with their own limitations. For example, they may curate up to a certain number of stories or go back a specific number of days. If this is the case for your feeds, we recommend adjusting its configuration to ensure they include stories published within the past three (3) days.
During onboarding or upon occasional request, we are able to import stories within a longer date range or, historically, back in time from a specific date. Please contact your Metrics for News representative for more information about conducting this type of import.
Feed Contents
The RSS feeds must include the following fields for each piece of content:
  • URL (the single identifiable link to the content, with no extra parameters or subdomains)
  • Headline
  • Publish date

And preferably will also include:
  • Authors (as they appear in their bylines on your website)
  • GUID (tag used for the unique ID or Canonical URL of the article)
  • Summary excerpt
  • Full text

The names of these fields in your feed are not required to follow a specific naming convention but must be consistent for all stories included. On the RSS Feed form, you will need to specify the name of each of these fields as they're labeled in your feed.

Additional options are available on the RSS Feed form to ignore stories from certain authors or that have a specific text phrase, such as a category name.