Source Matters has a dashboard for categorizing sources where you will likely spend the majority of your time with the tool. To navigate there, you click on the “Categorize Sources” option in the top menu. This is what it should look like:
Select the appropriate answer based on your source's response for each category your newsroom has decided to track. For example, these could include: Race/ethnicity, gender, birth year, pronouns, ability status, location, residential area type, role, source background, political affiliation, and source selection. The selections should automatically save.
Important: You should select an option for each category available. If you do not know the answer to one of the categories, you should select “Other” or “Preferred not to say / I don’t know.”
Please keep in mind that Source Matters doesn’t have multiple choices when it comes to tagging, but there may be situations where multiple facets of identity need to be selected (such as for multiracial folks). In these cases, select one of the categories by clicking on it (it will highlight blue), and in the notes field, list the second category as well so it’s possible to see multiple things at once.
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